Moorestown council again addressed the matter of student parking in the vicinity of the high school at its Feb. 6 meeting after discussing the issue last month.
“The recommendation is to extend the ‘no parking zone’ to cover both Hayfield and Tyndale Courts,” said Kevin Aberant, township manager. “There is currently one sign on Windsock Way … They’re (the township) attempting to put in some other signage on Windsock to make sure that people are aware there is no parking.”
“I can’t emphasize enough – as the mayor did at the last meeting – that the answer to this must ultimately be in the high-school’s court, or it will never get solved,” maintained councilwoman Sue Mammarella. “ … There’s just no doubt; we’re not the solution.”
Resident Dawn Delconte shared a conversation about the issue she had with Interim Superintendent Joseph Bollendorf.
“He said that the best the school can say at this point is to work with the township for the signs, because they don’t know where or how or when they can get a parking lot for the students,” Delconte recalled.
“ … His concern was the students walking through neighbors’ yards, so that’s a liability on his end. So that’s where his concern was.”
Council will introduce the matter on first reading at its Monday, Feb. 27 meeting and second reading on Monday, March 13.
Earlier in the Feb. 6 session, a proclamation was presented recognizing Friday, Feb. 17, as Kindness Day and Feb. 12 through Feb. 18 as Kindness Week.
“I just know that you all know the difference that it makes to be a giver of kindness, a receiver of kindness and a witness to kindness,” said resident Holly Myers, who has been keeping the tradition of Kindness Week alive in the township for 28 years.
Council later adopted an ordinance on first reading related to renaming Beech Street Park Armydis Sordon Park, in honor of Moorestown resident Armydis Sordon, an African American killed in World War I. A public hearing date is set for Monday, Feb. 27.
“This is Black History Month; we are going to be naming a park after a Black veteran,” announced Mayor Nicole Gillespie in her closing comments at the meeting. “That will be the first park named after a Black veteran in this town …
“I echo the sentiment that there’s important history here that we want to remember, and we want to spread to the entire town.”
During public comment, resident Gregory Chinn commended those involved in renovating Yancy-Adams Park, dedicated on June 18, 1977 to the memory of community organizers Roxanna Yancy and James Adams, according to the township. They were instrumental in the establishment and successful operation of the West End Community Center from 1944 until 1968.
“I appreciate all the work that’s being done,” Chinn said. “I’m hoping once this park gets to completion that we could actually have some kind of re-grand opening of the park, just something to celebrate that this park has been redone.”