What do you do when you’ve read every book by your favorite author? Or when you’ve read a book you loved and want to find something similar? Our library catalog has interactive features that make it easier to find your next great book, audiobook, movie and more.
Search for a favorite item in our catalog and click on the title to bring up the full entry. At the bottom of the page, click on the “Explore” tab. This will provide you with a treasure trove of information, including:
- Title summary
- About the author
- More books by the author
- Series – if the title is part of a series, titles in that series will be listed in order
- You May Also Like – suggestions from our catalog based on the searched title
- Librarian-curated lists
- Professional and reader reviews (or add your own)
- Other formats available in our catalog for the title (e.g., eBook, Audiobook)
- Tags – an exploration tool that allows you to focus on genres, subjects, etc.
- Book profile with clickable terms
- Reading level and recommended ages
- Awards the title has won
All clickable links show you items that are in our catalog and available to place on hold or check out. Explore our catalog tool to find what you’re looking for, even if you didn’t know it existed.