Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood is now taking orders forĀ 2023 Mah Jongg cards. The deadline for ordering Cards is Jan. 24, 2023. Please send your full name and address with your check made out to TBS Sisterhood. The cost is $14 per standard size card and $15 per large card.Ā Send orders to Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood,1901 Kresson Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 and mark the envelope Sisterhood Mah Jongg Card.Ā Any questions please callĀ Zelda Greenberg at (856) 751-4201. You may order online at https://www.tbsonline.org/sisterhood/ .
According to the National Mah Jongg League, āMah JonggĀ is a rummy-like game played with tiles rather than cards. The game originated in China, dating back to the time of Confucius. It was originally played solely by the ruling classes; the Mandarins refused to permit other inhabitants of the country to enjoy the pleasure of this aristocratic pastime. The introduction of Ma Cheuck, the game of the Sparrows, to all classes was met with instant popularity. To this day, Mah Jongg remains the most popular game in the Orient. Interestingly, the rules in North China differ from those in South China.ā
The game migrated to the U.S.A.in the early 1900s. In 1937 TheĀ National Mah Jongg LeagueĀ (NMJL), was formed to establish consistency in the rules of the game. Additionally, each year a new card is created to display the accepted winning combinations of tiles. The updating of the acceptable āhandsā maintains interest in the game.Ā Mah Jongg is enjoying a renaissance. Ā A portion of the card sales are donated to charitable organizations. Order your card today.
If you would like to learn how to playājust ask and the Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood will set up lessons.