The unofficial results are in. According to the Gloucester County Board of Elections Monroe Township has Democrat Greg Wolfe in the lead for Mayor against Samuel B. Miles III with 54.45 percent of the votes against 45.29 percent of the votes.  Â
The township is also looking at a race for three open seats on the Monroe Township Council with Denise Liszewksi Adams, Patrick O’Reilly and Donald Heverly in the lead with 17.8 , 17.77 and 17.64 percent of the votes.Â
As far as the Board of Education, the current standings show Jimmy Magee with 17.53 percent of votes, Rosemarie Mohr with 16.57 percent of votes and Rena Morrow with 16.36 percent of the votes as front runners for the three open seats.Â
With all of the votes creating a race in multiple aspects of the township, the single year term for Monroe Township Board of education will be filled by Quandell Iglesia, who ran unopposed.Â
The County Commissioner race shows Democrats Frank J. DiMarco and Denice DeCarlo in the lead with 25.58 and 25.46 percent of the votes against Republicans Adam Wingate and Stephen H. Pakradooni Jr. with 24.67 and 24.22 percent of the votes.Â
The race for County Clerk shows Democrat James N. Hogan is in the lead with 52.54 percent of the vote against Tom Narolewski (47.39 percent).Â
In the race for the single open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives for First Congressional District, Democrat Donald Norcross is in the lead with 52.76 percent of the votes against Claire Gustafson with 44.79 percent of the votes. For the Second Congressional District, Republican Jeff Van Drew is currently in the lead with 54.37 percent of the votes against Democrat Tim Alexander with 44.04 percent of the votes.Â
All results are unofficial as of Tuesday, Nov. 8 evening. Results remain unofficial until certified by the county Board of Elections