Rowan College hosts faculty art showcase

Exhibition features more than 60 pieces in all mediums

CHRISTINE HARKINSON/The Sun: Artist David Berger’s works are on display at Rowan College at Burlington County’s faculty showcase through Dec. 13.

Rowan College at Burlington County is displaying a faculty showcase at its Mount Holly location through Dec. 13.

This year’s art exhibit features 67 pieces in mediums that include drawings, paintings, jewelry and 3D art and welcomes Rowan students.

“We have adjuncts, professors, assistant professors in graphic design, photography, art, fashion, and then we have a few employees that are not in the art field that just happen to do art, photography, things like that,” said Jessica Kane, campus curator.

“I think it’s important,” Kane added of the exhibit. “I think it bridges the gap between (faculty) not just being another teacher in their life, (but) also (students) seeing teachers as artists, because that’s what they do to add to the class.”

Kane explained that the exhibits “opened communication” between students and teachers whose work is displayed and offers students the opportunity to see their instructors from a new angle.

“Sometimes if they’re just teaching you a drawing class and they’re showing some of those sketches that they’ve done, you don’t actually see the type of work that they do,” Kane explained. “It shows the students a different side that maybe can open up another line of communication with the instructors if they like their work or they want to learn more about that kind of work.”

Kane also noted the difference between faculty and student showcases.

“You will definitely see more of a style from each person,” she pointed out. “You can sometimes go around and pick out what pieces the same artist has done, without even looking at the tags.”

Kane is excited for the Arts Alive Showcase on Nov. 17 at Rowan College at Burlington County’s Mount Laurel campus, an immersive experience that incorporates graphic design, culinary arts, entertainment technology and more.

“It’s something big and in the past we haven’t done the interactive part,” she said. “It’s just been a show, and then you sit out in the audience and watch a performance, so we’re trying something new, and hopefully it’ll get people more involved.”

“ … We offer fashion, graphic design, photography,” Kane added of the arts at Rowan. “ … I think what I would want people to know is how many different opportunities we try to bring to the art students for them to get their experience while learning.”

Visit for gallery hours and showcase information.


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