Mantua unofficial election results

The unofficial results are in. The Mantua Committee has two open positions available with current mayor Pete Scirrotto (D) running for a position alongside fellow committee member Eileen Lukens (D). The other two candidates are people hoping to be elected to the committee, Sean Sepsey (R) and James Carelli (R). Scirrotto is currently in the lead with 26 percent of the vote while Lukens has a narrow lead over Sepsey, the former having 24.85 percent of the vote while the latter has 24.18 percent, according to the Gloucester County Board of Elections.

The Mantua Township Board of Education saw 12 candidates battle for one of three spots on the board, but the three front runners are Erica Atkinson with 10 percent, Ryan Campbell who also had 10 percent and Amy Gregg with 11 percent.

The three-year terms for two positions on the Board of Fire Commissions will go to Kevin Howarth and Jim Neely.

The seat for the First Congressional District spot in the House of Representatives is also up for grabs as currently elected representative Donald Norcross (D) seeks reelection running against Claire Gustafson (R). Norcross is currently winning the vote with 56 percent of the vote as opposed to Gustafson’s 41 percent.

The Gloucester County Clerk position is also on the line with James N. Hogan (D) going up against Tom Narolewski (D) in a two-way battle for the position. Hogan is in the lead in the race for the seat with a total of 55 percent of all votes.

Voters also had the chance to elect two of four officials for the position of Gloucester County Commissioner, two democrats and two republicans. Currently both democratic candidates, Frank J. DiMarco and Denice DiCarlo, have the lead over both Republican candidates, Adam Wingate and Stephen Pakradooni Jr., with each having 26 percent of all votes.

All results are unofficial as of the evening of Tuesday Nov. 8. Results will remain unofficial until certified by the county board of elections.


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