Deptford unofficial election results

The unofficial results are in. The three open seats on the Deptford Board of Education has Carol Gioia and Ed Kalinowski slated for reelection while new member, Frank Scambia, looks to be coming in for the third seat, according to the Gloucester County Board of Elections. Each candidate took in over 3,000 votes each with Gioia receiving the most of the three.

The seat for the First Congressional District spot in the House of Representatives is also up for grabs as currently elected representative Donald Norcross (D) seeks reelection running against Claire Gustafson (R). Norcross is currently winning the vote with 56 percent of the vote as opposed to Gustafson’s 41 percent.

The Gloucester County Clerk position is also on the line with James N. Hogan (D) going up against Tom Narolewski (D) in a two-way battle for the position. Hogan is in the lead in the race for the seat with a total of 55 percent of all votes.

Voters also had the chance to elect two of four officials for the position of Gloucester County Commissioner, two democrats and two republicans. Currently both democratic candidates, Frank J. DiMarco and Denice DiCarlo, have the lead over both Republican candidates, Adam Wingate and Stephen Pakradooni Jr., with each having 26 percent of all votes.

All results are unofficial as of the evening of Tuesday Nov. 8. Results will remain unofficial until certified by the county board of elections.



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