Girl Scout Troop 24713 members Aibhlinn Tracey (left) and Sophie Niemann present their prototype for a proposed Silver Award project during a council meeting on Sept. 6.
The township committee’s Sept. 6 meeting featured a presentation from two members of Shamong’s Girl Scout Troop 24713 who want to place two handmade easels at Indian Mills Lake as part of their Silver Award project.
Sophie Niemann and Aibhlinn Tracey explained their Pinelands Painting Project and highlighted where they hope to place them when built.
“Our handmade easels will be installed by digging down about 2 feet in the ground and then secured using concrete,” said Tracey. “We are also hoping that we could place our easels past the picnic table near the dam.”
The project calls for constructing one easel to be used by a person standing up and another that is ADA compliant along the path. According to figures presented during the meeting, the taller easel is expected to be approximately 4-and-a-half feet high, with a 14-by-18-inch Plexiglass frame that will allow individuals to place a canvas against the easel and draw, sketch or paint against the flat surface.
“We are going to be using cedar wood from a local woodshop to ensure that our easels will last under any weather condition,” Niemann explained. “The easel frame will be made from Plexiglass, so it does not block the view of the lake. Plexiglass is weather resistant; it can withstand high heat and extreme cold temperatures.”
Niemann and Tracey showed a project prototype at the meeting, scaled down by 50 percent, to show what the easels would look like. Following approval from the committee, the goal is for the two Scouts to construct the easels and have them placed at the lake by the end of the month.
The township committee’s next public meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 4, at the municipal building.
In other news:
- The committee approved issuance of a limited brewery off-premises event permit for the Valenzano Winery Winefest 2022.
- The township also voted to pass on second reading the official placing of speed limit signs along a two-mile stretch of Tuckerton Road shared by Shamong and Tabernacle. The ordinance had to be passed by both municipalities before signs could be placed.
- An ordinance amending the township’s chapter governing cannabis was approved upon introduction; a second reading and public hearing is possible at the committee’s next meeting.