Board of ed gives updates on new school year

Parents address concerns on proposed health curriculum

The Cinnaminson township board of education had its regular meeting on Aug. 30 and updated the community on preparations for the new school year.

Superintendent Stephen M. Cappello welcomed meeting participants back for the first time in person since the pandemic. 

“It’s been a long time since we’ve gathered in a public forum,” he said.

Cappello said there have already been orientation events held in the district for kindergarten, third grade and sixth grade, as well as a locker night for the ninth graders.

The district is welcoming 25 new staffers, including teachers, nurses and counselors.  Classroom renovations have already been done at Cinnaminson Memorial, with five more rooms left to renovate at New Albany. Two new classrooms at Memorial were refurbished with new paint, lighting and flooring, a project that took six years to complete.

At the high school, the stage was rebuilt for the drama department and there is a new computer room with updated technology. Cappello praised the school’s extracurricular activities, noting that fall sports will kick off with a home football game against Collingswood High on Sept. 2.

“The marching band will debut its Vegas-themed show,’’ he said. “Best of luck for a great football and competition season.”

School began Tuesday, with 2,821 students enrolled in the district.

“Word has gotten out that this is the place to be,” Cappello said.

Budgets were approved for school lunch and supplies like posters and tri-fold display boards. Special education services will  provide physical and speech language therapy,  and programs for children who are blind and visually impaired.

The board meeting opened the floor to residents in the community, who discussed their thoughts on the proposed health curriculum. Some raised concerns about the curriculum’s topics, calling them controversial. Others suggested there be an opt in  rather than an opt out choice for the lessons. One parent said the district should speak with parents to survey them on what students should be learning. 

Residents are also urging the district curriculum supervisors to make changes that will give their children a better education.

The next board of education meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 27.



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