Mabel Kay Senior Center’s “Something to Chew On” Lunch and Learn program has announced events through October for seniors 55 and up.
The program begins with time for lunch and to mingle with other seniors, followed by a speaker.
“We’re definitely using this to showcase Haddonfield, but we’ve also been interspersing this with bigger hitters and various topics, which brings a lot of energy,” said Sheri Siegel, coordinator for the senior center.
Though there was a similar program prior to COVID, Siegel rebooted and reinvigorated the Lunch and Learn series in April by inviting speakers who cover a wider range of topics than just those that are senior related.
“Just because someone is a senior doesn’t mean they only want to be hearing about hearing aids and Medicare,” Siegel said. “Our goal is to engage their brains, teach new topics, reach a wider audience and honestly just to socialize and bring people together in a fun way.”
Upcoming speakers include:
- Sept. 14: Haddonfield library Director Eric Zino will discuss resources there.
- Sept. 28: Lucy Sheffield, a Haddonfield senior who performed with a troupe of clowns to give relief to rescue workers at Ground Zero, will share how to boost health and joy with laughter and deep breathing.
- Oct. 12: Stuart Harting, founder and chair of the Haddonfield Outdoor Sculpture Trust, will speak and take seniors on a walking tour of local sculptures.
- Oct. 26: Jack Lardis will address near-death experiences. This talk has been rescheduled from July 27, and the guest list from then will be used for attendance.
The events typically take place at the senior center on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Interested attendees should email [email protected] or call (856) 354-8789 to confirm attendance in advance before programs reach capacity.
To stay up to date with the Mabel Kay Senior Center, visit https://www.facebook.com/mabelkayseniorcenter or https://www.haddonfieldnj.org/departments/senior_citizens_center/index.php.