2616K – Knights of Stars celebrate placing fourth in their divisions with club and Family members at the Vex Worlds
2022 Competition, Dallas, TX in May. (Special to The Sun/The Sun)
On Tuesday, June 14, two Cherry Hill High School East Robotics Teams were recognized at the Cherry Hill Board of Education meeting for achieving competition status at the Vex Robotics Worlds 2022 Competition, Dallas, TX in May, 2022. 850 Teams arrived from approximately 50 countries from around the world. Teams were split into 10 divisions with 85 teams per Division.
Team 2616Z – Zetabots competed in the Spirit Division finishing fourth in their division and advanced to the first round of divisional playoffs. Team 2616Z is also the current 2022 New Jersey State Champions. They are Cherry Hill High School East Seniors and will be moving on to their varied college careers.
2616Z Team Members include Joseph Saso, Tomer Goldfinger, Anish Roy, Ethan Stern-Taubman, Deniz Alpdogan and Frankie Benedetto
Team 2616K – Knights of Stars competed in the Innovate Division finishing fourth in their D-division and advanced to the second round of divisional playoffs. This was the first time Team 2616K competed at the Vex Worlds Competition. Team 2616K consists of 10th grade and one 9th grade member.
2616K Teams Members include Armaan Gupta, James Johnson, David Borsky, Minhaz Rajib, Darsh Parmar, Arav Misra, Eugene Veksler, Maxim Veksler, Alexander “AJ” Higgins and David Nguyen.
Cherry Hill High School Robotics Club started 12 or 13 years ago as a research and science project by two former students who achieved competition status at Vex Worlds that same year. Under the Guidance of Joseph Dilks as Advisor the club has earned Vex Worlds competition status since its inception to present. 2022 has been the most successful year for the Club at the Vex Worlds Competition.
This year, Dilks was assisted by Jose Johnson as Parent Volunteer Advisor. Johnson is preparing to take on the official Club Advisory role in 2022-2023. Dilks will remain on board for the transition.