To help in the fight against identity theft, the Camden County Board of Commissioners is holding a free shredding day for residents wanting to destroy documents containing personal information.
On Saturday, June 4 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., industrial size shredder trucks will be at the Woodcrest Patco Station in Cherry Hill to destroy private documents.
“If you have any personal documents that you need to dispose of, this is a great opportunity to do so safely and securely,” said Commissioner Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. “Camden County employees have volunteered their time to be on hand to assist residents with the paperwork they have brought to shred.”
No businesses please, and a limit of 175 pounds of paper per household is requested.
Attendees must show proof of residency, must remain inside their vehicles throughout the event and all materials that are going to be dropped off should be placed in the rear cargo area of the vehicle only.
For more information, visit www.camdencounty.com or call (856) 858-5241