Quilt show at Kirby’s Mill represents property’s history

Antique and homemade pieces will be on display in two-day event

Kirby’s Mill will host its annual Quilt Show for residents to view antique and homemade quilts on June 4 and 5 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Medford Historical Society will host its annual quilt show at Kirby’s Mill Saturday and Sunday as part of an effort to research, preserve and promote the general history of Medford and make the society’s holdings available to the community.

Kirby’s Mill, where the event has been held for more than 20 years, has its own history, one that dates back to 1877, when William S. Kirby bought the facility. Last month, the historical society hosted its Medford Country Day there and visitors toured the mill, where they saw the  society’s museum collection, including wagons, buggies and antique machines.

“Kirby’s mill is one of the few grist operating mills in New Jersey,” said society President Richard Bucko.

The two-day quilt show will feature a large collection of handmade quilts made by people across the state and will showcase those made by members of the historical society, the Historic Medford Residents Quilt and other quilters. Bucko noted the show’s display fills the mill’s two floors. 

“People love quilts …” he said. “There’s a lot of interest in old, timely quilts that people have done a hundred years ago. It’s an art form.”

The quilt show is organized by Libby Zimbleman, chair of the historical society, who noted that preparation for it begins a week before due to the large sizes of the quilts. She is a member of two Burlington County guilds, Berry Basket Quilters in Medford and Cinnaminson Quilters, both of which will be represented in the show. 

“There’s always something new,” Zimbleman said. “I like hosting it; it’s just an enjoyable thing.”

Quilt show hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the event is free. Parking will be available off Fosterton Road. Donations go to the historical society, which will also host Milling Days on  second Saturdays this month, July, August, September, October and November, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., when the mill will operate. 

To enter a quilt in the show, contact Zembleman at [email protected]. For more information about the Medford Historical Society, visit. https://www.medfordhistory.org/aboutmhs/index.php .


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