After a 2-year hiatus, the Cherry Hill Police Department is thrilled to announce that the Junior Police Academy will be returning this August!
The academy will run from August 1 to August 5, 2022, for children ages 11 to 14. Registration is open only to Cherry Hill residents.
The cost is $150 and includes two sets of the required uniform, a water bottle, gym bag, and lunch provided daily by various sponsors in the community.
Participants will explore firsthand, various aspects of law enforcement with a curriculum developed by the Department that will emphasize the importance of qualities such as physical fitness, staying drug free, teamwork and respect. Activities throughout the week will include lessons in drill and ceremony, physical training, school safety and bullying, drug awareness, traffic safety, an introduction to specialty units, crime scene, fingerprinting and first aid.
Participants will also take field trips to tour the Camden County Juvenile Detention Center and Cherry Hill Fire Department Central Command. The week will culminate with a formal graduation ceremony on Friday afternoon.
The program is limited to 40 registrants with the goal to accommodate as many new children as possible. To register, visit