Lions Gate creates 100 club for 12 of its residents

Nearly 1 percent of state centenarians live at Voorhees facility


Voorhees Township celebrated a rather unique achievement for residents in the Lions Gate Care Facility on April 12.Twelve of its residents are centenarians or will be this year, including Max Rubin and Morris Dworkin, now 99.  

To honor them, Lions Gate has created the 100 Club. 

“Our residents have always represented a wide

array of ages, from as young as 62 to now (103),” said Lions Gate COO Meredith Becker. “We are here today to celebrate our centenarians. Just think – together they have celebrated over 1,200 birthdays.

“When we realized how many centenarians were living here at Lions Gate,” she added. “We felt the need to learn from them. Each of them has their own theory on how to live a long and fulfilling life.”

None has more theories than Donald Fletcher, the oldest of the bunch, who turned 103 on Jan.  7. Fletcher, along with his 10 other “colleagues,” as he referred to them, donned 100 Cub pins  as they were celebrated.

“Take things as they come,” he advised. “Don’t sweat the little things. Just keep your bearings and take life as it comes. That’s a good life … “I’ve been blessed with very good health in my life. So far so good,” Fletcher added with a smile. 

Also in attendance on April 12 was Voorhees Mayor Michael Migogna, who congratulated the residents on behalf of the entire community and recognized them with resolutions from New Jersey General Assembly. The club members were given proclamations and flowers.

“This is a special day here in Voorhees Township … “ the mayor said. “It’s wonderful to be in your company. In my mind you are the treasurers of the Voorhees community.” said Migogna, before individually recognizing each resident, although some were unable to attend the private ceremony. According to the 2020 census, there are more than 1,700 New Jersey residents over the age of 100. That means that nearly 1 percent of them live at Lions Gate.

Among other 100 club members are Mildred Levine, 103; Minnie Kauffman, 103; Izydor Einziger, 102; Seymour Siegel, 102; Claire Heller, 102; Lucille Goff, 101; Susan Graham, 100;  Frances Silberfeld, 100; and Francis Eisenberg, 100.


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