Vets on Wheels clinic to return 

 Monthly clinics will be held through October 2022

In partnership with the Board of Commissioners and Subaru of America, the Animal Welfare Association is starting up its monthly Vets on Wheels clinic that will provide pet owners with on-site services such as free vaccines and access to pet food. The first clinic will be held April 20 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Von Neida Park in Camden City.

Monthly clinics will be held through October 2022 and are available for Camden City residents only.

 “Bringing these services directly to Camden City residents is crucial because sometimes, pet owners aren’t sure where they can find accessible and affordable pet care,” said Commissioner Jonathan Young, who also serves as the liaison to the Homeward Bound Animal Adoption Center and is an active dog owner. “This is a one-stop shop for all types of pet services that our residents may be searching for and each year, hundreds of pets are looked after and taken care of thanks to the Animal Welfare Association.”

 Free services include basic veterinary exams, rabies, distemper and Bordetella vaccinations, deworming, flea and tick preventative treatment, microchip installation and checkups, and dog and cat food distribution.


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