HomeMoorestown NewsSave the Environment of Moorestown hosts spring meeting

Save the Environment of Moorestown hosts spring meeting

STEM members to deliver 2022 updates on April 19.

Save the Environment of Moorestown’s (STEM) annual meeting is scheduled for April 19 in the Club Room at the Moorestown Community House. The meeting will start at 7 p.m.

The meeting will include a brief review of STEM’s activities in 2021, by Mark Pensiero, the current President of STEM. Chet Dawson, STEM’s Treasurer will review STEM’s financial position and some proposed changes to our By-Laws.  After these presentations, STEM members will vote on the slate of the nominees for our officers and board members and the By Law changes.

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Following the business portion of the meeting, Jack Cresson, a local archeologist, will present, “A Prehistoric Survey of Moorestown in 30 Minutes.”

All are welcome.


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