The Washington Township Chamber of Commerce has announced the 2022 Rick Zammer Award Recipient as Vicky Binetti. As a 20 year volunteer for our Township, she encompasses every bit of what the Rick Zammer Award represents.
Binetti has accomplished many thing in her time volunteering for the township such as developing and championing Wellhead Protection Ordinance, which protects our groundwater sources, established a Green Business Recognition program and encouraged participation of the arts through the Painting the Township program.
With all of her accomplishments, she is best known for her continued cross-community efforts to achieve certification as a sustainable community from the Sustainable Jersey program at Bronze and subsequently Silver levels through the Washington Township Green Team.
Binetti currently serves the following volunteer positions for WT:
– Chair, Washington Township Environmental Commission
– Chair, Sustainable Washington Township Green Team
– Member, Washington Township Open Space Advisory Committee
– Board Member, Rotary Club of Washington Township
– Board Member, Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library
– Board Member, Music at Bunker Hill
– Leadership Team, TriCounty Sustainability (collaborative of municipal green team and environmental commission members in Burlington, Camden and Gloucester counties)
A dinner and ceremony will be held for Binetti, along with the 2020 recipient Mark Moore, at the Wedgewood Country Club at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13. Tickets are available on the Chamber website.