The Netflix original series Maid explores a young mother’s struggle to provide for her child after fleeing an abusive relationship. Released in October 2021, the critically acclaimed ten-part series has been widely viewed and discussed. On Tuesday, January 25 at 7 p.m., Jewish Family & Children’s Service (JFCS) will host a virtual program entitled “Maid” to Survive: Cleaning up the Myths about Domestic Violence. An expert panel will discuss various aspects of Maid, including the harsh financial and logistical realities facing women who want to leave abusive relationships. The program will also dispel the myth that domestic abuse is limited to physical violence—exploring the emotional and financial hurdles that prevent many victims from leaving abusive situations.
The program will be moderated by Hilary Platt, coordinator of the JFCS Project SARAH (Stop Abusive Relationships At Home) domestic violence program. The panel of legal experts will consist of Mary Kay Baker, Lead Advocate of the Victim Witness Unit, Camden County Prosecutor’s Office; Lisa Incollingo, Domestic Violence Litigation Attorney at Camden Center For Law; Lawrence R. Jones, Retired New Jersey Superior Court Judge; and Shira Katz Scanlon, Esq., Matrimonial Lawyer at Martine, Katz Scanlon & Schimmel, P.A.
“Maid” to Survive is free and open to the entire community. For the best possible experience, individuals are encouraged to watch the Netflix series prior to joining the panel discussion. Register at https://jfcssnj.org/maid.