Winter officially begins on Dec. 21 and keeping our roads safe during inclement weather is of utmost importance to all of us.
Our Public Works Department uses a brine mixture for treating our roadways before snowstorms. The brine keeps ice from forming on roads, but only works when temperatures are above 23 degrees and the roads are dry.
Our Public Works employees will plow and salt the roads during snow conditions. Plowing is not effective until there is an accumulation of at least three inches of snow. Our drivers will apply salt before snow showers begin and continue to salt during the entirety of the snow fall. Main roads, intersections and hills are our first priority followed by secondary streets and courts. Please move vehicles off the street if possible. Our Public Works will utilize up to 25 plow vehicles during snow events and will utilize more than 100 tons of salt during a one to two day storm. The plows push snow to the sides of streets and, unfortunately, accumulation of snow on driveway aprons is unavoidable. When clearing driveways and sidewalks, avoid putting the snow back into the street where it can cause a hazard for emergency vehicles. Once it stops snowing, it takes approximately 10 hours for our crews to complete the snow removal process.
During cold emergencies, Code Blue plans will be initiated. If you or someone you know loses heat or needs protection from the elements, Voorhees Township, along with the Camden County Health Department and the Office of Emergency Management, have worked to ensure that we have proper resources in place. Every municipality in the County has identified locations to accommodate residents seeking shelter from the severe weather. Voorhees has identified the Voorhees Library, 203 Laurel Road (856) 772-1636 and the Voorhees Town Center, 2120 Voorhees Town Center (856) 772-6400.
Other Emergency information to keep on hand during the winter season includes:
Atlantic City Electric 1-800-833-7476 / www.atlanticcityelectric.com/home.
PSE&G 1-800-436-7734 / www.pseg.com/home/customer_service/outage_info/index.jsp.
NJ American Water 1-800-272-1325 / www.amwater.com.
South Jersey Gas 1-800-582-7060 / www.southjerseygas.com.
Verizon 1-800-837-4966 / www.verizon.com.
Comcast -1-800934-6489 / www.xfinity.com.
Camden County Public Works 856-566-2980 / [email protected].
Voorhees Township Public Works 856-428-5499 www.voorheesnj.com.
We hope you enjoy the winter and remain safe.
** Visit Santa at the Voorhees Town Center through Christmas Eve. Masks are encouraged. Walk-up visits will be available throughout the day. Pet visits will be available on Mondays from Dec. 17 through closing. For more information about holiday events, visit www.voorheestowncenter.com.
**The Voorhees Arts Center will be continuing the Kids Art Camp, providing great art activities for children of our community ages K-6th grades. The next camps are Saturday Dec. 4 and Wednesday Dec. 29 form 9 a.m. to noon in the Town Hall Mall Food Court, visit voorheesartscouncil.org, registration is required.