The sixteenth annual Medford Vincentown Rotary Thanks-Giving Community Spiritual Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 24 from 7:30 – 9:00 am at the Medford Lakes Country Club on Oak Drive in Medford Lakes, NJ.
Keynote speaker for this comeback year is Rev. David Krilov from the Fellowship Alliance Chapel in Medford. Rotary was unable to host the event last year due to Covid-19, but previous years’ events were a great success with over 125-175 people attending.
“Our community has so much to be thankful for this year. The event allows to come together as a community with area churches and clergy to join together and express that thanks.” Says event chairperson David Stow.
The cost of the event is just $18 and includes a fabulous breakfast buffet. Any funds raised by this year’s event will go towards the Gift of Life Program. Reservations can be made by calling Dave Stow at 609-953-7600 or by sending your name, address and check made payable to the Medford Vincentown Rotary Club to PO Box 365, Medford, NJ 08055 or online at www.mvrotaryclub.org