HomeMoorestown NewsCouncilman Quinton Law declares victory in Moorestown Special Election

Councilman Quinton Law declares victory in Moorestown Special Election

Law becomes the first Black person in town history to be elected to Council.

Special to The Sun: Councilman Quinton Law makes history after being elected Moorestown’s first Black councilman.

With the vast majority of same-day, early, mail-in and provisional ballots counted, the campaign is thrilled that Councilman Quinton Law has made history as Moorestown’s first elected Black councilman. Councilman Law’s lead is currently nearly above 600 votes, with approximately 53 percent of the vote according to Burlington County officials.

Harry Lewis, Law’s Campaign Manager, says, “I am so proud of the way we have run this campaign and grateful to the thousands of voters who took the time to go to the polls or mail their ballots in and endorse Quinton’s vision of moving Moorestown forward. We ran a positive campaign focused on the issues, and I’m proud of the way we conducted ourselves over the course of the race. Quinton remains focused on the future of Moorestown and with him on Council that future is bright.” 

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The campaign believes that for Quinton to win this seat and do so by a substantial number speaks to the way Moorestonians are recognizing the positive steps Council has taken over the past year to move forward. The fact that Quinton’s support was bipartisan in a year marked by intense partisanship is an indicator that voters recognized that he was and continues working for all of us. 

“It’s an exciting time to be a Moorestonian! I am honored to have earned the opportunity to keep serving as your Councilman. This community is moving forward with a stronger economy, cleaner environment, and more inclusive neighborhoods. We’ve accomplished a lot in this past year, but there’s always room to grow. Let’s get back to work!” 

The campaign also wishes to extend best wishes to Mr. Bobadilla and his team and wishes them all the best in the future.


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