HomeNewsHaddonfield NewsHaddonfield Board of Education welcomes two newest members

Haddonfield Board of Education welcomes two newest members

Megan Hollingworth and Gregory Esemplare are sworn in after mid-term resignations of two members.

Two Haddonfield residents have been sworn in as the newest members of the Board of Education. They are Megan Hollingworth and Gregory Esemplare.

Mid-term vacancies were created by the resignations of Susan Kutner and Tom Vecchio.  More than 30 people applied for the positions and underwent an intensive interview process in September and October. Hollingworth was sworn in on Oct. 28, and  Esemplare on Nov. 11.

Megan Hollingworth is a Product Director for UnitedHealthcare where she has been  employed since 2007. She earned her bachelor’s at Randolph-Macon College (Virginia)  and her Master of Social Work at the University of Pennsylvania. A Haddonfield resident  for nine years, she has a second- and a sixth-grader enrolled in the school district.

“It has been a wonderful journey – for all of us – so far,” she said. “My daughters love  their teachers and friends, and they are proud of their schools and community! I want to  strengthen and enhance that experience for all the children in our town.”

Hollingworth and her husband lived in London and Philadelphia before moving to Haddonfield.

“Ours is an international family,” she said. “My husband is a Brit, as was my father, so  we spend lots of time in England with our family and friends and love travelling the  world! I am a dedicated member of our local Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense  chapter in South Jersey, a CrossFit enthusiast, a member of the Collingswood  Community Choir, and a vocal supporter of the Haddonfield Antiracist Coalition here in  town.”

Joining the Board of Education offers Hollingworth an opportunity to apply her passion  for progress to school district issues and projects.

“Our community is a special place,” said Hollingworth, “and the schools are an  important part of why Haddonfield was the best choice for our family. It is challenging  to deliver high-quality public services that meet the needs of our whole community. I  will bring my professional experience and expertise – as well as my passion for change  and progress – to tackle the tough challenges facing our district. Even in a district as  strong as ours, we have work to do to continue to improve and to make the Haddonfield  School District a supportive and positive educational experience for all of our children. I

love our community and am joining the BoE to make sure our schools continue to go  from strength to strength.”

Gregory Esemplare is Vice President for Producer Relations at Broadreach Medical  Resources (New York). He earned his bachelor’s at the College of the Holy Cross  (Massachusetts). A resident of Haddonfield for 17 years, he has two children in the  school district.

“As our two children have gotten older, my wife and I frequently discuss their education  and the preparedness for their academic and professional futures,” he said. “We want  to be sure our children have a well-rounded academic experience but at the same time  are exposed to other social and humanitarian issues that may affect them in their  futures. Being involved is an important part of our kids’ futures, and I am honored to  serve on the board.”

The Esemplares moved to Haddonfield to establish a family and to belong to a  community.

“My wife, Toni and I worked in Philadelphia before having our children,” he said.  “Anticipating that Haddonfield would be a great place to find our ‘community’ and build  our family, we moved from the city 17 years ago. We have two children in the school  system; our daughter is a sophomore and our son is in eighth grade.”

Esemplare’s community involvement includes coaching and the PTA.

“For several years, I managed the snack bar for the Little League and coached my son’s  teams,” he said. “I have coached youth basketball and currently coach boys youth  lacrosse. My wife and I were very involved in the PTA when our kids were at Lizzy  Haddon. Additionally, I enjoy cooking in my free time.”


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