HomeNewsSicklerville NewsGabreil Daveis Tavern prepares for holiday with open house

Gabreil Daveis Tavern prepares for holiday with open house

Kiwanis, women’s clubs team decorate for Nov. 28 event

EMILY LIU/The Sun: The Gabreil Daveis Tavern will be holding holiday tours starting Nov. 28. They will continue for the next two weeks.

The winter tradition of decorating the historic Gabreil Daveis Museum House Tavern has begun, as the Historic and Scenic Preservation Committee teams  with Kiwanis, the Women’s Club of Broadmoor and TImberbirch Women’s Club to prepare the first holiday open house of the season on Nov. 28.

“What we really like to do is go on the tavern grounds and cut greenery as they would have back in the day in the 1800s … and decorate with things we find on the tavern grounds,” explained Sharon Mickle, president of the preservation committee.

“We cut holly, we cut branches off of some of the evergreens, some people bring some from their yards,” she added. “It’s just amazing what it does to the tavern.”

The tradition of decorating the house has been alive for as long as Mickle can remember. During the event, visitors will be able to tour the freshly decorated first floor of the tavern and enjoy performances by a violinist and flutist and the  Mainstage’s Harmony Choir.

There will also be an opportunity to pose with a Victorian Santa and an antique sleigh, complete with the harness donated to the committee by residents George and John Matteo.

“You have sights, sounds, smells,” Mickle enthused. “ It just really puts you in the holiday spirit.”

Masks will be required for house tours, but will be optional outside. There will also be light refreshments. The event is free and open to the public, but donations will be accepted.

The hours for Nov. 28 are 1 to 4 p.m. The tavern will also hold holiday house tours on Sunday, Dec. 5, and Sunday, Dec. 12, from 1 to 4 p.m., before the decorations come off and the tavern closes for the winter. It will reopen around April of next year.

To learn more about the Gloucester Township Historic and Scenic Preservation Committee, visit https://www.facebook.com/glotwphistory.



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