Councilman Len Badolato kicked off meeting reports for the Buildings, Parks and Recreation department at the Nov. 10 Berlin council meeting by sharing the progress made on a traffic-calming proposal he’s been working on with the Department of Transportation (DOT).
He explained during the meeting that a light study had been done and approved, leaving room for improvements like shoulders being used for designated parking; upgrading of two crosswalks at Broad Street and Thackara Avenue; and potential temporary bumpouts, also known as curb extensions.
Badolato also addressed parking issues at the Berlin Community School, where people were parked in front of resident mailboxes. In response, he and several others painted the curbs, contacted Superintendent Joe Campisi to alert the teachers and parents not to park in those areas and asked the district bus company not to do so either.
There will also be a Berlin police officer working at the traffic light at Franklin Avenue and Clementon Road for one hour in the morning and in the afternoon to alleviate congestion.
Under Public Works, Streets and Roads council reports, councilman Andrew Simone addressed the delay in trash pickup. He explained that trash trucks can only do pickups at a certain weight capacity, and if that capacity is reached, trucks have to unload, then return.
Simone also reminded residents that the first full week of the month is for bulk trash pickup, and that leaf collections will take place through Dec. 23. Residents should leave leaves by the curb and the trucks will circulate throughout town. Leaf collection will resume in mid-April.
“As long as you put leaves out there, we’ll continue to pick it up,” he said.
The councilman also encouraged residents to share their concerns through the Mobile 311 app, a direct connection to the public works department. He added that the department does not filter through social media for concerns, but the app will allow residents to submit concerns.
In other news;
- The borough hosts its annual shred event on Nov. 20 from 9 a.m. to noon.
- At 9 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 28, the fire department will begin its annual Christmas tree sale.
- On Dec. 4, the Berlin Rotary will host the annual tree lighting and Santa visit at borough hall.
- Eastern High School will hold a special election on Tuesday, Dec. 14 for a bond referendum on installation of a new air conditioning unit. Polling hours are from 2 to 8 p.m., and voting by mail will be allowed.
The next council meeting is Thursday, Dec. 9, with the workshop at 6:30 p.m. and the regular session at 7.