Leaf Collection season in the Borough of Haddonfield commenced yesterday, Nov. 1, and, commensurate with the weather becoming progressively warmer later and leaves still found on trees, is expected to run until mid-December.
The Borough will continue to update its website every evening, posting the completed routes. The postings will be in the black box tab to the right when you first go on the site.
The leaf collection follows residents’ trash collection days. When we get farther along, the trucks will not finish a trash route in one day. We ask that all residents please be patient.
Commissioners want to remind all residents to rake your leaves to the park strip between the curb and the sidewalk, and not sweep them into the street. Leaves in the street contribute to flooding and are a road hazard.
*Please remember: Borough of Haddonfield Ordinance 195-9 prohibits placing leaves and yard waste in the streets. The homeowner is responsible for telling landscaping services NOT to PUT LEAVES IN THE STREET! Â
The Clean Communities/Enforcement Officer will be writing tickets. There is a $50.00 fine for the first offense.
Leaves in the streets block storm drain and can also become road hazards.
For a detailed “leaf map” of collection dates for certain borough streets, visit: http://www.haddonfieldnj.org/alert_detail.php.