If you (or your kids) ever participated in a drama club production at Haddonfield Memorial High School, you are cordially invited to an event dubbed “Alumni Day at the Play.” It will take place at the high school on Saturday, Oct. 23 during a 7:30 p.m. performance of the fall drama, “The Book of Everything.”
Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for senior citizens and students.
Masks will be required inside the building and the auditorium at all times. To purchase tickets in advance, go to the drama club website: https://hmhs.booktix.com.
Tickets may also be bought the night of the show. The main drama site will have updated information on any COVID-related changes: hmhsdrama.com.
A limited number of tickets will be provided free of charge for anyone who is facing financial difficulties due to the pandemic by contacting Lauree Padgett at the email provided below.
Alumni Day at the Play is being hosted by the JDS Legacy Group, which formed in the summer of 2020. Its 14 founding members were students and drama club members at the high school between the fall of 1973 and the spring of 1981, the eight years that Jack D. Shaw (the JDS in the group’s name) taught English and headed the school’s theater department.
More information about the group will be available at the play. In addition, anyone wishing to get on the group’s mailing list can contact Padgett (Class of 1980) at: [email protected].