Cinnaminson to award businesses that contribute to community

Nominations from residents are being accepted until Oct.1

Cinnaminson Township is currently accepting nominations from residents to award a local business that has made efforts to improve or contribute to the community.

“A community flourishes when it has a vibrant business community, and businesses flourish when local residents support them,” Township Administrator Eric Schubiger said by email. 

Nominations can be for beautification, job creation and green and sustainable practices by businesses, the township said in an announcement. Schubiger said the township committee sees the relationship between the business community and the municipality as critical: 

“Business growth and quality economic development are important components of a thriving community,” he said. 

By shining a spotlight on them, the township hopes to give a boost to local businesses after a particularly difficult 18 months. Schubiger said the township passed legislative action last year to protect its business community at the start of the pandemic, including providing businesses with the opportunity to offer outdoor dining in response to COVID restrictions by the state.

“While the health pandemic has impacted the business community in so many ways, so many people working together has certainly helped,” Schubiger noted. 

Nominations of businesses may be made by a Cinnaminson resident through Oct. 1. Forms are available online and at the municipal building. Following the closure of the nomination period, “a selection committee consisting of township staff and representatives of volunteer boards will review nominations,” according to the nomination form.

Mayor Albert Segrest and the township committee will make a presentation to a business owner at a committee meeting.



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