Letter to the Editor: Walter Weidenbacher

Borough resident expresses concern over curriculum, urges those with alternative views to run for board of education.

Dear Haddonfield voters, 

The Board of Education election in November will be the most critical one. 

Why? Because of parental neglect. As Pogo observed long ago, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”  

We have no one to blame but ourselves, for neglecting to keep a watchful eye on our children, the schools we send them to, and the influences that shape their lives. And now we’re asking, “What, precisely, is being taught in our schools?” And is it at odds with our own values?  

Such is the price of complacency and of not voting carefully over time, resulting in a board of education that has become seemingly in-grown and pontifical. 

Such is the case elsewhere, where things are starting to pop in a way that doesn’t bode well for Haddonfield.  

For perspective, review the compilation of situations and solutions elsewhere—some wholesome and promising, some chaotic—at  wawego.me/woke. With so many tales told out of school surfacing everywhere and here (e.g., junior class gift to BLM), the community is showing increased interest in promoting a serious board candidate or two who will step up and campaign on a ticket of bringing certain improvements to our schools, especially regarding the curriculum; who will represent all constituents, and will bring to the board diversity of opinion and true representation of the public at large.  Such a candidate will receive tremendous support of every kind from the electorate, throughout the campaign and long after, which will be necessary to address the problem fully. 

The successful candidate will be dedicated to bringing a new era of accountability, responsiveness, transparency and independent thinking to students and teachers alike. The school curriculum needs to be unshrouded; lesson plans need to be published so that parents can once again be part of the education process; alternative points of view need to be allowed in the classroom; and classroom cameras need to be installed. Deadline to file a petition for candidacy is Monday, July 26, 2021. 

Refer to:  boe.haddonfieldschools.org/how-to-become-a-board-member 

And then, GET OUT THE VOTE! 

As always, my very best to Haddonfield and it’s precious children. 

Walter Weidenbacher 

Haddonfield, N.J.


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