During the workshop portion of its July 8 meeting, Berlin Borough Council gave updates on construction and the reopening of the community center.
Councilman Andy Simone from Public Works said construction started on July 6 for a project at Belair Estates, specifically on Rondon and Pineview avenues, and will go through September. According to a notice posted on the Berlin police Facebook page, the work will consist of removing and replacing sidewalks, curbs and driveway aprons.
Starting the week of Aug. 2, both avenues will be closed from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for milling and overlaying asphalt. Residents are being asked to move their vehicles off Rondon and Pineview before 7 a.m. during that time.
From there, the council meeting turned to the possibility of reopening the community center. Though there were no actions taken and the plans are still under discussion, the idea was to “firm up the rules” and reopen the center for free play. It would not reopen completely, but Mayor Rick Miller said it will nonetheless give people a place to go. Ideas under consideration include having the center open only to residents, with an attendant present.
During the reports portion of the meeting, Simone reminded residents that the Public Works department can be reached at (856) 767-0056, and Water and Sewer at (856) 783-4900.
“If there’s any concerns or questions about engineering, construction or any type of maintenance that we may not be aware of, please contact those numbers, or contact the borough,” Simone urged.
“If you don’t get an answer, anyone you speak with on the phone can direct you to the right department to get you that answer.”
The councilman also added that residents can report their concerns about potholes or any Public Works emergencies through Mobile 311’s portal, an app and website. More information can be found at https://www.berlinnj.org/Document_Center/Department/Public%20Work/Berlin%20Release%20for%20Facility%20Dude.pdf.
The council decided to pull Ordinance 2021-10 off its agenda and save it for next meeting. That was suggested by Solicitor Howard Long because of new information he has received and changes that need to be made. The ordinance dealt with trailers and cars and was an amendment to current regulations. A public hearing on the ordinance will take place at the next meeting in August.
In other updates, Council President Jim Pearce said during council reports that in person court will resume on July 19, and the mayor reported that the senior bus is up and running again.
The next council meeting will be held on Aug. 12 at 7.p.m. in borough hall. The workshop session will begin at 6:30 p.m.