As we begin to evolve back to some sense of normalcy, many of us are taking vacations, which means leaving our homes unoccupied. The Voorhees Township Police Department is offering a free security survey to all residents and business owners in Voorhees. Sgt. Anthony Russo, a 14-year veteran of the department, will use his crime prevention experience to educate homeowners and business owners of the dangers associated with crime and burglaries. Sgt. Russo will meet to identify potential security weaknesses. To schedule an appointment for the survey, call the Voorhees Township Police Crime Prevention Office at 856-882-1104.
Our Police Department has also initiated a “Safecam Program,” allowing the police to view residential and commercial security cameras to help solve crimes. Our police ask residents, businesses and organizations that have security cameras to complete a short registration form which allows our police to maintain a database of active cameras in the event a crime occurs in your area. The registration does not give police access to your camera system without your permission. Participating properties will receive a decal with the official Voorhees Police SafeCam Logo to display as an additional deterrent to crime. The registration form is on the Voorhees Police webpage, vtpd.com.
Crime prevention is the anticipation, recognition and appraisal of a crime risk and taking action to remove or reduce the risk. If you see a crime in progress or suspicious activity, or hear something strange such as a crash, loud bang or scream, you should immediately contact the Voorhees Township Police Department. Try to provide as much information as possible. In an emergency, dial 911. In a non-emergency, call 856-428-5400. The police department’s Anonymous Crime Tip Line is 856-627-7174.
**Thursday, June 24, the 2019 PG movie The Lion King will be shown on a 40-foot outdoor screen at the Voorhees Town Center parking lot located off of Somerdale Road. The movie will start at dusk and parking begins at 7:30pm. The food vendor will be J-Dogs. No pets/alcohol/smoking/vaping allowed. Parking is in designated spots, every other space, and space is limited. Lawn chairs and blankets are permitted.
** The Voorhees Arts Council is offering Painting on Denim on Saturday, June 26, at 11 a.m. Bring your favorite pair of jeans, denim shirt or jacket and spruce it up by painting colorful floral patterns. You must pre-register and the cost is $15 if you prepay or $20 the day of the event. The art session is being held in the Voorhees Town Center food court area. Contact Marianne Leone with any questions (609) 315-6218 or email her at, [email protected].
**On Thursday, July 1, The South Jersey Philharmonic Orchestra will hold a free concert in the park area in front of Town Hall. The concert will begin at 7:00p.m. This is a BYOC (bring your own chair) event. Food vendors will be available.
** Voorhees Township is offering discounted tickets to Morey’s Piers in Wildwood. Tickets are available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office at Voorhees Town Hall. Prices vary according to the type of ticket and several options are available to residents and non-residents. For more information about tickets, visit voorheesnj.com.