Assemblyman Ryan Peters selected Cherokee High School senior Reese Taylor as “Senior Student Spotlight” winner for the month of May.
Peters writes, “Reese is a student who has fully committed herself to her school work and extra-curricular activities, excelling and showing leadership in both. Reese has been a dedicated member of Cherokee’s Student Council and was selected to represent Cherokee at the New Jersey Association of Student Council Convention. Her dedication to giving back to her community is commendable and impressive, especially for such a young individual. I wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors and we look forward to hearing about more of her wonderful accomplishments.”
Reese holds several leadership roles including treasurer of the Student Council’s Executive Board, Captain of the Knowledge Bowl Team, and was selected by her peers to the Executive Board of the National Honor Society. Reese has helped organize Blood Drives, Cherokee’s Senior Citizen’s Valentine Day Ball, food collections to support Cherokee’s Food Pantry, and many more. She also volunteers her time to instruct children suffering from brain injuries through the Holton’s Heroes organization.
According to Carmen Zekaria, CHS Counselor, “Reese plans to major in History with a minor in Philosophy of Government. Her goal is to work as a public interest lawyer to help members of society who are marginalized and unable to advocate for themselves. Reese is an exceptional role model; her enthusiasm and dedication serve as an inspiration to our entire community.”