The Voorhees Arts Center (VAC) is expanding their Healing Heart for the Hero’s Heart program to include a new Healthcare Hero award, and is currently seeking nominations. Nominate yourself or someone you know who is in the healthcare industry during COVID-19 and has faced great challenges and rose (or continues to rise) to the occasion and became a Hero in the face of all of the adversity and loss; someone who has been a role model over the past year and has given their care and love to the community “above the call of duty.” The intention is to give back to someone that really had/has to deal with COVID-19 patient care.
It can be a caregiver, a home health aid, nursing home staff, assisted living staff, a nurse, doctor, hospital staff, PT, OT, EMT, etc. If you think this person fits this description, fill out this form. The recipients will be awarded a unique one of a kind piece of art (8×10 canvas) as a painting, mosaic or photograph of something that they love, have interest in, a hobby (fishing, golf) or something they collect (elephants, dolls), or a fan of (sports teams) etc., or something dear to them (family, pets).
These are just a few examples. Give as much info as you can for the artist to choose from. The deadline for the first round is June 2, 2021. The first 20 requests that are approved will be honored. Then, there will be a wait list, and nominees will be placed in the second round. This is open to healthcare and frontline workers who work, live or play in the Voorhees, NJ community. Thanks to generous sponsors like Sutherland Framing & Fine Arts, the VAC has funding to do this until the end of the year and will be able to do “rounds” monthly.
To nominate yourself or someone else for Healing Art for the Healthcare Hero’s heart, visit
Calling All Artists: A new sister program to the Healing Art for the Military has been launched this month: Healing Art for a Healthcare Hero’s Heart. This is also a call for artists to participate by giving their time and talent to this program, and create a unique one of a kind piece of art to be gifted to one of the Healthcare Heroes. Email if you would like to participate. The deadline express interest is June 2. Details will be provided, and you will have until June 28 to complete the art assignment.