The Haddonfield Civic Association will hold its Town Dinner on Thursday, June 3.
Lisa Hurly has been selected as the 2020-2021 recipient of the Haddonfield Civic Association’s Alfred E. Driscoll Award for Community Service. Ms. Hurly will be presented the Award during the event, which will be livestreamed from Inkwood Bookstore in Haddonfield for a virtual online audience.
Due to the pandemic, this year’s event will be a virtual one, combining a live stream of the ceremony with Dine and Donates to provide a meal and raise funds in lieu of ticket sales.
We have arranged with two local vendors, City Kitchen Catering and Kings Road to support the event. To have a meal delivered the day of the event, please click on the link above to order. You can also stop into Kings Road on Thursday to get beverages to go, just let them know they are for the HCA.
Both organizations will be donating a portion of the profits to the HCA.
For more information on the dinner, including event program and a full list of award winners, visit: https://haddonfieldcivic.com/annual-town-dinner/.