What kind of people go to the trouble creating and mailing a flyer that attacks a duly-elected Haddonfield commissioner without revealing their names? Cowardly people who want to make false and misleading innuendoes for which they cannot be held accountable.
On Monday, April 26, a secret group calling itself “Defend Haddonfield!” published a flyer attacking Colleen Bianco Bezich. Most of what they wrote in the flyer is pure hearsay and innuendo. They invoked images of dark “Dirty Fingers” and claimed that she was a George Norcross “foot soldier.” They don’t attack a single thing she has done or said she plans to do.
This is obviously a ham-handed and hurtful approach to dealing with people. It is not the constructive dialogue necessary to good government.
I like Commissioner Bezich, and intend to vote for her. She caught my attention for the first time a month ago when I read that she had proposed the formation of citizens advisory group to work with our town police force on issues of race. That idea is brilliant – not because our police force has any apparent problems, but because it is forward looking and aimed at preventing unintended and potentially disastrous problems before they arise.
Then I read that she helped obtain grant funding ($100,000) for the town for storm water planning. Money for the town – that’s always helpful.
Then I met Commissioner Bezich, along with other candidates for commissioner, at Jersey Java. I was impressed with her clear understanding of the issues we face: the Bancroft property, helping small businesses and affordable housing. These, and many other issues are important to me, and I think that Commissioner Bezich has good judgment.
I suggest that we use the shameful “Defend Haddonfield!” flyer as a reminder to vote for Colleen. Turnabout is fair play.
John Levy
Haddonfield, N.J.