More than 400 area families battling food insecurity have found much-needed help each month through the HOPE Church Food Pantry. On Sunday, April 18 at 2 p.m., the pantry will dedicate its new home at The Meeting Place, located at 500 Centennial Boulevard in Voorhees, right at the corner of HOPE’s campus. This celebration is open to the public and will take place outside with social distancing observed.
HOPE’s Food Pantry, along with the church, began more than three decades ago and has grown exponentially during the past year in order to meet the ever-expanding need for food during the Covid pandemic. Ten years ago, HOPE Church purchased the property, a former bank, in order to bless others throughout the area. It has been home to dozens of weekly 12-step programs and other support groups ever since. Now, more than 100 volunteers and a broad array of community partners have worked together transforming the property and bringing welcomed relief to those in need of food.
HOPE Church offers three, identical online worship experiences each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., and then again at 7:30 p.m. at meethope.live. Participants join from 14 different states and six countries and often stay in the livestream after worship to enjoy some inspirational music and a virtual lobby time. Kids are invited to join HOPE KIDS@HOME which meets online at 10am by going to hopekids.live.
For further information, contact HOPE’s office at 856-751-HOPE (4673) or go to meethope.org.