The Township of Gloucester proposes to initiate planning for the FY 2021 Annual Action Plan which is funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Community Development Block Grant allocation for Fiscal Year 2021 is $287,405 plus estimated Program Income of $50,000.
This public hearing is being scheduled in the initial stages of development of the Annual Plan. The information received from interested persons at the hearing will assist the Township Administration and Township Council in the preparation of the 2021 Annual Plan. The hearing is designed to obtain citizens’ views and to respond to proposals and questions. The hearing will address housing, community and economic development needs, development of proposed activities, and review of program performance. The Township will also obtain the views of citizens on priority non-housing needs.
Information will be made available to citizens regarding the FY2021 Application procedures, timing, eligible activities, and other regulations related to the Community Development program.
The first public hearing on housing and community development needs will take place at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. Given the current public health crisis, virtual public hearings are being held via the Zoom online meeting platform in lieu of in-person hearings. Members of the public will be given the opportunity to speak during this hearing to verbally submit their public comment. All interested persons, groups, and organizations are encouraged to review the Substantial Amendment on public review and to provide public comment.
Public comment, general questions regarding this Plan or proposed programming, and requests for special assistance related to limited English proficiency or disabilities should be directed to Melissa Walsh at [email protected] or (856) 690-9590.
The draft 2021 Annual Plan, developed after the first hearing, will be available for public review for a 30-day comment period starting April 8, 2021.
For more information, visit https://glotwp.com/news/gloucester-township-community-development-block-grant-public-hearing-march-30-2021/