Gloucester County wants residents to ‘Shop, Dine, Go Local’ this holiday season

Campaign culminates in Shop Local Saturday Nov. 28

The Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders would like to remind residents to participate in the 2020 Shop, Dine, Go Local campaign that encourages spending money within the local community to help the county thrive.

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The Shop, Dine, Go Local campaign culminates in Shop Local Saturday, also known as Small Business Saturday, on Nov. 28. The campaign encourages holiday shoppers to patronize brick and mortar businesses that are small and local on Shop Local Saturday and all year round.

“Gloucester County is the home to hundreds of locally owned and operated eateries, breweries, wineries, retail and specialty stores and we encourage our residents to think of them first when spending their hard-earned dollars,” Freeholder Director Robert Damminger said.

Freeholder Heather Simmons, Liaison to the Department of Economic Development, explained that shopping local strengthens the local economy.

“Each dollar spent at an independent business returns three times more money the local economy than one spent at a chain and almost fifty times more than buying from an online mega-retailer,” Simmons said.

With more than 27 million small and independent businesses in the nation, spending regionally has a great impact on the local economy.

Residents are encouraged to shop local and sign the Gloucester County Shop, Dine, Go Local pledge by visiting

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