Dear Editor:
We are writing as members of the Haddonfield Memorial High School Class of 2022, this year’s junior class, with regard to the recent events surrounding our class’ choice of Black Lives Matter as the beneficiary of our class spirit week fundraiser.
We live in Haddonfield, and attend the public school system. As students of color, we have been witness to instances of racism, both subtle and blatant, in our school as well as within our community. Not many in town can understand how it feels to see, hear, and experience things which directly or indirectly insult or marginalize you; how it feels to constantly be aware, and have others point out your difference; to want to be seen for who we are, without racial barriers, prejudices or misconceptions.
We want to thank the Haddonfield community for all its support with the student-led Black Lives Matter activities. These events changed us, have given us a voice, and have helped us find courage we did not know we had. Seeing our friends, school administration, and community members participate and stand with us and our friends of color has meant more than you can know.
We are so proud of our junior class for choosing Black Lives Philly as the organization to receive our class spirit week funds. We stand in awe of the student government leaders who did not give up and did not waver in their commitment to social justice. And we want to thank our school leaders for standing up for our class and supporting our class commitment to black lives matter values.
With these efforts and demonstrations of commitment, we finally feel a little more like Haddonfield can be a home to all types of people, including us.
Sara Smith
Zion Lee
Mia Gagliardi
Claire Kilcullen
Auden Yowler
Alexandra Valdelomar
Jessica Goode
HMHS Class of 2022