Shawnee High School will host a safe trunk-or-treating event from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 24, giving area children a safe venue to celebrate Halloween. Various Shawnee clubs will participate in decorating car trunks and passing out candy in pre-packaged baggies. All children are welcome to the event with adult supervision.
Cars should park in the cafeteria lot with overflow to the “rocks” lot. Everyone will enter through the designated entrance by the main office and flow through the main parking lot, exiting at the top of the parking lot.
Everyone is required to wear a face mask, even under a “Halloween” costume mask, as those do not always completely cover the nose and mouth.
All candy will be pre-bagged and placed into buckets. Trick-or-treaters will not be permitted to reach into buckets to grab candy. Candy has been donated by the Medford Township Police Officers’ Association and Shawnee club members.
Shawnee High School is located at 600 Tabernacle Road, Medford.