HomeNewsPalmyra NewsMeet the Candidates: Palmyra Borough Council

Meet the Candidates: Palmyra Borough Council

Leading up to the 2020 election, The Palmyra Sun is running a three-week Meet the Candidates series. In this first week, candidates running in the 2020 election for Palmrya Borough Council provide some background on who they are and why they’ve chosen to run. 

Name: Brandon Allmond

Occupation: Full-time Student at Rutgers-Camden, Economics Major; Councilman, Borough of Palmyra

Political Affiliation: Democrat

Clubs/Organizations: Veterans of Foreign Wars; Student Veterans (Rutgers-Camden); President, Economic Society (Rutgers-Camden); Parent Teacher Association (Palmyra)

We believe in the importance of serving our community and share traits that are valuable to council: we are active listeners; we are objective and selfless in our decision-making; and, we are able to see the big picture. For us, running for borough council is not about pushing an agenda, it’s about leading in a way that best represents the members of our community. We won’t just work for those who voted for us, but for all Palmyra residents.

If elected, we will focus on promoting resident engagement. All residents should feel comfortable reaching out to their elected officials with suggestions and ideas for improvement – no matter how big or small – so that we can amplify their voices, help implement change, and address legislative issues as they arise. We will also champion redevelopment for the benefit of the Borough by ensuring that redevelopment on the south side of Route 73, which has progressed rapidly in 2020, continues to move forward in a way that is right for the people of Palmyra. Both of us realize the magnitude of the decisions to be made and the potential to secure benefits that last for decades. We have the right attitude to set long-term goals that will make Palmyra proud.

We’re running for council because we love this town and have the character and skills to lead.  We know that we can serve in a capacity that will benefit Palmyra – by listening to current needs and adapting to future ones.

Name: Laura Craig Cloud

Occupation: Director of Natural Resources/Senior Ecologist at Princeton Hydro; Councilperson, Borough of Palmyra

Political Affiliation: Democrat

Clubs/Organizations: Palmyra Improvement Association; professional societies; service on the boards of multiple non-profits.

We believe in the importance of serving our community and share traits that are valuable to council: we are active listeners; we are objective and selfless in our decision-making; and, we are able to see the big picture. For us, running for borough council is not about pushing an agenda, it’s about leading in a way that best represents the members of our community. We won’t just work for those who voted for us, but for all Palmyra residents.

If elected, we will focus on promoting resident engagement. All residents should feel comfortable reaching out to their elected officials with suggestions and ideas for improvement – no matter how big or small – so that we can amplify their voices, help implement change, and address legislative issues as they arise. We will also champion redevelopment for the benefit of the Borough by ensuring that redevelopment on the south side of Route 73, which has progressed rapidly in 2020, continues to move forward in a way that is right for the people of Palmyra. Both of us realize the magnitude of the decisions to be made and the potential to secure benefits that last for decades. We have the right attitude to set long-term goals that will make Palmyra proud.

We’re running for council because we love this town and have the character and skills to lead.  We know that we can serve in a capacity that will benefit Palmyra – by listening to current needs and adapting to future ones.


Name: Kenneth R Keisler (No headshot submitted)

Occupation: Public Safety Tele-Operator Trainee

Political Affiliation: Republican

Organizations: Palmyra Land Use Board, Trustee-Palmyra War Memorial Committee, Independence Fire Company No. 1-Palmyra, South Jersey Umpire Association

I am running for Palmyra Borough Council because I believe in public service and helping all my neighbors in my community. I believe in a local government that is not controlled by one party but has equal representation that way there is a diversity of thought and that all citizens feel apart in the decisions that will affect them the most at a local level.

Our national politics is broken, but this does not have to be at a local level. I believe all parties can work together to make a better Palmyra for all, but all parties should be represented on the borough council and all ideas heard. I believe in change as well and support term limits on elected officials so that new people with new ideas can be afforded the chance to step-up and lead.

I want to move Palmyra forward and make it a community that is attractive to the diverse range of business in our downtown. To do this we must improve our infrastructure and also listen to the people that actually own the businesses and properties without local government getting in the way.

We must also make Palmyra an attractive place to live as well by tackling abandoned housing and figuring out common sense ways of keeping our taxes low. If elected I will dedicate myself to take on these issues and more to see Palmyra move forward and prosper.


Michelle Arnold is also running as a Republican in this years’ election, however no information was received from the candidate to be submitted for this weeks’ part of The Sun’s Meet the Candidates Series.


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