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New group wants to connect Moorestown high school alumni

Newly formed association seeks creation of a graduate network.

The Moorestown School Alumni Association logo.

When Austin Haynes and Debbie McGeorge created the Moorestown School Alumni Association Facebook page, they never expected things to take off so quickly. In less than two months, the group is nearing 4,000 members.

With an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response from the community, Haynes and McGeorge are  eager to create a strong network of Moorestown graduates, and the plan is to make the association a nonprofit. 

In part, the association is the result of another alumni group. Haynes is also a member of Moorestown Alumni for Racial Equity & Inclusion (MAREI), and as one of its goals, MAREI members discussed starting an alumni group to help generate community engagement. Haynes said it was through those discussions that one of his fellow members told him McGeorge was also trying to create an alumni association. The pair connected shortly thereafter.

Back in January, McGeorge, an alumnus of Moorestown High School herself who teaches history at the Upper Elementary School, was working on her 30-year reunion. Through that process, she realized MHS was lacking an active alumni association, and she was wondering how to get in touch with everyone. At the same time, a group of students had approached her about a project, and they were also trying to get in touch with former graduates. She realized there was no central network to connect with graduates.

In March, McGeorge met with staff at MHS about creating some sort of alumni group. Then, the pandemic hit and everything came to a halt until Haynes reached out. McGeorge said through their conversations, they realized there was a real interest in the community, but any sort of organization just needed a steady hand to guide it. 

The group is currently only on Facebook, but McGeorge said that’s just phase one. She and Haynes are also developing a website that will have forums where people can connect, with one person to be designated as a representative for each graduating class. 

The pair’s goals are multifaceted. Ultimately, they’d like the network to provide opportunities for alumni to interact with one another and with current students. The hope is that it could turn into some sort of mentoring program for current students or help facilitate internships or career placement opportunities.

McGeorge said the association is all about fostering a sense of community. If a student wants to join the military, for instance, he or she could connect with a graduate who’s done that. Or, if a student is interested in a college, he or she could reach out to one of its alumni for feedback. 

“People are looking for connections,” McGeorge said. 

Haynes said there’s no shortage of Moorestown alumni who have gone on to impressive careers. He and McGeorge have found graduates who have gone on to work at Madison Square Garden or who have helped produce “Sesame Street.” His hope is for the association to serve as a platform for alumni to share their stories about how they got to where they are today.

“How will you know your neighbor if you never got a chance to speak with them?” Haynes asked. 

The alumni association is currently working on starting Zoom meetings where interesting or successful alumni can share their stories. The hope is to get it up and running within the next few weeks or months. From there, McGeorge and Haynes hope to create a monthly series.

The association also plans to eventually provide scholarships for graduating seniors. Haynes said the funds for that would come from alumni association dues, as well as from fundraising events once COVID-19 is over.

McGeorge said at present, the pair have alumni from every decade since the ‘50s in the group. The association is open to anyone who has spent time at MHS; members do not have to have spent all four years there or graduated from the school.

The group wants to gauge interest and asks community members to fill out a Google survey at https://forms.gle/d8HeqpQuphjxXq4V7. To join the group on Facebook, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/1150118572035123/about


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