The Moorestown Theater Company (MTC) is very excited to be back on Main Street in Moorestown at 5 W. Main Street, the site of the former Signature Design gift shop. MTC is also pleased to be holding three two-week, in-person Summer Stage ’20 Sessions at this new Performing Arts Studio (along with our six one-week, on-line Summer Stage ’20 Sessions on Zoom).
The three, two-week in-person sessions will be for students between the ages of 10 to 18 and will run Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in our new Performing Arts Studio on Main Street. There will be a performance of that session’s musical recorded on the final day of each session, which will be streamed online shortly thereafter. These two-week sessions will include these shows on these dates: Session I: “The Big One-Oh!” on July 6 to July 10 and July 13 to July 17; Session II: “Legally Blonde, Jr.” on July 20 to July 24 and July 27 to July 31 and Session III: “Dear Edwina, Jr.”from on Aug. 3 to Aug. 7 and Aug. 10 to Aug. 14. The weekly Summer Stage ’20 in-person rate is $325 per child.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MTC will host these two-week sessions in a socially-distant setting. As the health of our campers and our staff members is so important to us, we’ll follow these guidelines from the Governor’s Office:
- Our new Performing Arts Studio has been professionally sanitized before Summer Stage ’20 started.
- The Performing Arts Studio will be cleaned and sanitized before each new camp day.
- Staff members’ and campers’ temperatures will be taken as they enter MTC’s Performing Arts Studio.
- Staff members and campers will wear face masks or face shields at camp each day.
- Staff members and campers will be encouraged to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer often.
- Our bathroom will be sanitized by staff members between every use by staff members and campers.
- Staff members and campers will rehearse six feet apart from each other.
The six one-week online sessions will be for students between the ages of 6 to 12 and will run five days a week from 10 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Zoom. These one-week sessions will include classes in various theater arts such as acting, dance, improv and music, among others. The weekly Summer Stage ’20 on-line rate is $200 per child.
This is not how we wanted to do our 15th Season of Summer Stage, our award-winning musical theater camp, but to follow the theater mantra, “The Show Must Go On,” the Moorestown Theater Company is adapting. MTC will be adding more in-person Musical Theater Classes in our new Performing Arts Studio. MTC will also be presenting its first Rising Stage production, for ‘Rising Seniors’ to 29-year-olds, sometime in August.
Please visit MoorestownTheaterCompany.org to register for any of these sessions or productions, to get more information about any of these items, or to purchase ‘streaming’ tickets for each musical at this same website. You can also call (856)778–8357 if you have any questions.