HomeNewsMarlton NewsSchool district takes its 26th annual art show online

School district takes its 26th annual art show online

This year's Eyes on Art Day will be observed Friday, May 22

Some of Rice Elementary School’s contributions to last year’s district-wide Eyes on Art Day.

For the past 25 years, the Evesham Township School District’s Eyes on Art Show was one that the entire community looked forward to in May. Annually, artwork from students in each of the district’s schools was created throughout the school year and designated pieces representing various grade levels and art themes were selected and showcased in this district-wide culminating event.

Faced with the unprecedented dilemma of school buildings being closed this year, the art department decided the show must go on!

This Friday, May 22, will mark the 26th annual Eyes on Art Day with a virtual show. Art teachers developed an online version of the show, which highlights approximately 25 art pieces from students at each school. The art show will take the place of remote learning for part of the day, so all students and staff can recognize and celebrate the arts.

“Our art teachers and art supervisor are amazing,” said Director of Curriculum and Instruction Danielle Magulick. “This show is always something we all look forward to, but this year is different in many ways.  Celebrating and enjoying the art of our talented students together online during a time when we can’t physically be together is a great way to keep us all connected and appreciate some of the beauty in the world.”

Students will begin the day Friday with a special message from their art teacher focused on the elements of art, elementary, and elements of art and principles of design, at middle school. This will provide a purpose for students to be on the lookout for as they view the virtual art show and then select an activity from a menu of options centered on the different elements/principles. Whether they use different types of lines to create a work of art, or focus on color and balance by creating an object color wheel, students will have the opportunity to close their screens for a little while and simply enjoy the arts.

To view the virtual art show, visit the district website at evesham.k12.nj.us beginning Friday morning and click on the Eyes on Art message.


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