HomeNewsMullica Hill NewsMayor's Message: Manzo thanks sponsors of Harrison Township mask distribution

Mayor’s Message: Manzo thanks sponsors of Harrison Township mask distribution

More than 5,000 masks were distributed at Pleasant Valley School over a three-day period.

We recently conducted a mask distribution event that offered two medical masks to every household in Harrison Township. Over three days, we handed out more than 5,000 masks in the Pleasant Valley School parking lot. Let me tell you how this came about.

In a brainstorming session on what we can do to help our residents during this crisis, the idea of providing masks for every house in the township came up. The first hurdle to get over was finding masks. Deputy mayor Don Heim and committeeman Adam Wingate were discussing this with Mullica Hill resident and local Dunkin Donuts owner, Kenny Patel. Through his business affiliations, Mr. Patel determined that he would be able to acquire enough medical masks for our community.

A series of discussions then took place among our leadership, which included contacting the County Office Of Emergency Management (OEM) for direction. We determined the first set of masks should go directly to Inspira Hospital. The resident mask distribution came after that and included enhanced access for residents in the healthcare field.

The obvious second hurdle was “how” to pay for the masks. This is where Don Heim and Adam Wingate took off their governing body hats and viewed the task as Harrison residents. Adam owns a business, Wingate Tree Service, and Don has overseen the Harrison Township Youth Basketball program for years. They partnered with Dunkin Donuts (Kenny Patel) on the initial hospital purchase and got things started for the resident masks.

For the additional funding, we contacted all the local businesses and vendors that had already contributed sponsorship money to the town for Harrison Township Day, which had obviously been cancelled. Refund checks were about to be mailed, so we simply asked them individually if they would support us diverting their contribution to the mask purchase. The response was overwhelmingly positive.

Our Bronze Level Sponsors (up to $499) are: In The Village Salon & Day Spa, RFP Solutions, Sorbello Landscaping, Pet Valu, Tumblin’ Tots, The Dance Factory, Sisters Fine Jewelry, Heisman Eye Care and Victory Physical Therapy.

Our Silver Level Sponsors ($500-$999) are: The Pat Settar Team of Berkshire Hathaway/Fox & Roach Realtors, Harrison Township Little League, Harrison Township TOPSports, US Construction Group, Kaitanna Solar, OKKA & Fun and Fit Aftercare and the Harrison Soccer Club.

Our Gold Level Sponsors ($1,000-$1,999) are: The Nancy Kowalik Real Estate Group, Wingate Tree Service, Thomas + Main, Law Office of Brian Duffield and Harrison Heat Baseball.

Our Platinum Level Sponsors ($2,000-plus) are: Dunkin Donuts, Harrison Township Youth Basketball, Harrison House Diner and Remington & Vernick Engineers.

Words cannot express our gratitude to these sponsors. We ask you to remember them and patronize them when possible. We also want to thank our Harrison Police Department, who oversaw the flawless distribution event, along with our resident and employee volunteers who worked it. Thank you to employees Lisa Nole, Julie Whilden, Sharon Chew, Yvonne Bullock, Lawrence Moore, Kathy Donitis, Carla Rios and Karen Krackovich. Also, thanks to the True North crew of Wendy Dominik, Susan Vance, Stephanie Haggerty and Julie and Mike Brumbach.

Dedication to our community at every level made this happen and is what makes us Harrison strong!


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