In a March 28 letter to Cinnaminson families and staff, Cinnaminson Township Public Schools Superintendent Stephen M. Cappello, J.D. reported an Eleanor Rush Intermediate School staff member tested positive for COVID-19.
The teacher was last in school on Friday, March 13. According to the Burlington County Department of Health, based on the timing of when the staff member became symptomatic and tested positive, there is very low risk for exposure to the school community.
“As you know, COVID-19 outbreak data changes rapidly, and I felt it was important to share this update with you. With respect to the individual’s privacy, I’m unable to share any further details at this time,” Cappello wrote.
“The health and safety of our school community is paramount. If you or a member of your family begin to experience symptoms such as fever, dry cough or difficulty breathing, please consult with your healthcare provider. Many local healthcare systems offer telehealth options. Telehealth allows you to be screened by a medical professional by phone or video chat from the comfort of your home. Please call your healthcare provider for more information.
“As always, we urge you to continue social distancing and practice good hygiene activities that can reduce the risk of illness. We know these are trying times for everyone, but we must do our part to keep each other safe and healthy.”
The March 28 update follows a March 22 letter from Cappello alerting the school community to a March 10 visitor to New Albany School who tested positive for COVID-19. Also in the instance, the county department of health said the risk for exposure for the school community was very low based on the timing of the individual’s symptoms.
Cappello recommended the following resources for general information about COVID-19:
• Call: 2-1-1
• Call (24/7): (800) 962-1253
• Text: NJCOVID to 898-211
• Visit nj.gov/health for additional information