HomeOpinionMedford Letters & OpinionsLetter to the Editor: Confirm the governor's anticipated nominees

Letter to the Editor: Confirm the governor’s anticipated nominees

Bruce Goldman wrote in his letter to the editor urging Sen. Dawn Addiego to confirm anticipated nominees.

Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to State Sen. Dawn Addiego’s office by the Medford Democratic Club:

Dear State Sen. Dawn Addiego,

As you know, Medford is one of eight Pinelands communities in your Senate district (New Jersey Legislative District Eight). As you also know, the state Senate’s choice, after over one year of inaction, to let Governor Phil Murphy’s nominee choices expire has hampered the Pinelands Commission’s ability to operate and serve the people of Medford. This includes an inability to secure a quorum necessary to advance any of the policy reforms that the commission, with the assistance of Medford residents, have identified as necessary to protect the township’s water quality and land use.

When asked why you have taken no public position on the matter, your office explained that you prefer to work more quietly, assuring us that you have been in touch with the Senate President Steve Sweeny (D-Cumberland, Gloucester, Salem) and the governor’s office to work through issues pertaining, in part, to the governor’s nominees. We ask that you revisit this approach and be seen publicly as an advocate for letting the commission get its work done

Last year was the 40th anniversary of the Pinelands Protection Act. Rather than celebrating its accomplishments, it appears that Trenton politics brought things to a standstill. In fact, your choice to take no action for or against the nomination of Ms. Jessica Sanchez, a resident of your district, was among the primary reasons given for the Senate Judiciary Committee’s failure to even hold a hearing on the governor’s nominees.

On behalf of the over 4,700 registered Medford Democrats and on behalf of the nearly 500 members of the Medford Democratic Club we urge you to take an aggressive, public stance and act quickly to confirm the governor’s anticipated nominees. Having waited over one year for Senate action, Medford Democrats can’t understand why a commission so vital to our interests has been allowed to stagnate. That our local State Senator is in a position to speak publicly and take action, with no outward evidence that such has occurred, is inconsistent with our member’s views of appropriate stewardship of the Pinelands Commission.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Bruce Goldman

Medford Democratic Club Chair


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