Haddonfield Crew Club to clean up Cooper on Sunday

Beautifying efforts along river to occur on Sunday.

Cooper Clean Up 2020 is slated to occur this Sunday, March 8, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Camden County Boathouse and areas surrounding the Cooper River that are connected to the rowing community.

About 125 rowers and their families from the crew clubs of the Camden County Boathouse, including Haddonfield Crew Club (sponsor of the event), Moorestown Crew and South Jersey Rowing Club. Participants also include Bishop Eustace Prep Crew, Haddon Township Rowing and the Cooper River Dragon Boat Club.

In preparation for the spring rowing season, the rowers are cleaning up the area surrounding the river – in a show of pride for the sport and support for the community.

For the second year, the Haddonfield Crew Club (HCC) is organizing the Cooper Clean Up.  The event is designed to straighten out areas of the river connected to rowing: the space surrounding the Camden County Boathouse, the viewing stands, team tent locations and boat storage. The event also will give rowers the opportunity to log as many as three (3) community service hours and build camaraderie within the boathouse. Family members and friends of the rowers are also invited to participate.

Rowers will report to the boathouse on Sunday at 1 p.m., and will be dispatched in groups of 10-15 to gather trash in one of the (5) areas surrounding the river. The groups will be provided with trash bags and other tools that will help them gather trash. Each group will be accompanied by a designated parent volunteer.

Rowers and other event participants will wear specially designed t-shirts that feature the name of the event (“Cooper Clean Up 2020”), a rowing related catchphrase “Start Strong. Finish Stronger.” and the names of the boathouse crew clubs. Participants will work for 3 hours, reporting back to the boathouse at the end of the event. Prizes will be awarded to those who collect the most interesting items.

For more information, contact Liesl Henderson, Haddonfield Crew Club by phone: (856) 979-3933 or by email at: [email protected].


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