The following is a release by Gloucester Township:
Every March, Gloucester Township Mayor and Council celebrate Women’s History Month by honoring outstanding women who make a difference within the community.
Nominations are currently being accepted for exemplary citizens that have demonstrated significant contributions in the area of community service, personal or professional achievements, or general good deeds that have impacted favorably on Gloucester Township’s citizens.
The nomination must include an essay supporting the nominee’s accomplishments. Nominations will be evaluated by a three-member panel appointed by the mayor. Awards will be presented at council’s meeting Monday, March 23 at the Gloucester Township Municipal Building.
Nominations will be accepted until Thursday, March 12 at 5 p.m. to the Township Clerk via mail, fax or email, all found on the township’s website at www.glotwp.com. The nomination form can also be found on the township’s website.
A maximum of ten honoree’s will be selected due to the high interest of nominees.