HomeNewsVoorhees NewsMayor's Message: Recycling in Voorhees Township

Mayor’s Message: Recycling in Voorhees Township

Voorhees Township now pays more for the processing of our recycling than we do for disposing our trash

We are proud of our recycling efforts in Voorhees Township and can boast one of the best recycling programs in Camden County. In 2019, our community recycled 56 percent of all residential items collected, including all recycling materials that are placed in the green recycling carts (aluminum, metal, glass, plastic and paper), leaves, brush, trees, electronics, white goods and motor oil.

Recycling costs have risen in the United States following limitations on waste imports set by China, which had been the major purchaser of our recycling materials. The recycling industry crunch continues to ripple throughout the country, drastically affecting recycling programs.

Voorhees Township now pays more for the processing of our recycling than we do for disposing our trash. We will continue to recycle because it is mandated by the State and because of the benefit to the environment. A major problem is plastic bags in the recycling stream. A single plastic bag will result in the entire recycling load being rejected at the recycling facility. Please make sure all plastic bags go in the trash only, not in with your recycling.

Our Public Works Department will be placing stickers on all recycling carts reminding us not to put plastic bags in these carts. A recycling flyer was mailed with the 2020 township calendar which provides useful information on what should and should not be recycled. A major change from last year is that now only plastic containers with numbers 1 and 2 can be recycled. Look for those numbers inside the triangular recycling logo.

A copy of the recycling flyer can be viewed on the Voorhees Township website at www.voorheesnj.com, by clicking on the Municipal Departments link then clicking on the Public Works link. Please remember that disposal of televisions and all personal portable computers, including lap top and notebook computers as well as computer monitors, is banned by state law. Camden County will collect electronic waste throughout the year.

For more information, visit the Camden County Recycling website at www.camdencounty.com/parks/recycling-info/electronic-recycling-collection-events.

Voorhees will accept your used motor oil and paint, which can be dropped off at the Public Works facility at 100 American Way. The drop off location is at the end of the dead-end street under a sign stating “Oil Drop Off.” Be sure to store your used motor oil and paint in a container that will not leak. Please do not mix other substances such as antifreeze or transmission fluid with the used oil. Remember to store used oil and paints away from children and sources of ignition. Regular “Alkaline” batteries can be disposed of in the regular trash.

However, rechargeable batteries, which can be found in such items as cordless power tools, cellular and cordless phones, laptop computers, digital cameras, camcorders, etc., cannot go into the regular trash. These items can be recycled at participating retail locations including Best Buy, Staples, Target, Office Max, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Sears, Wal-Mart and Verizon Wireless stores.

To find the nearest retail location to recycle your rechargeable batteries, visit www.rbrc.org. Vegetation/garden waste can be placed curbside every Monday and will be picked up during the course of the week. Grass clippings and leaves must be placed in cans or biodegradable bags. Loose leaves will only be picked up during designated spring and fall collection schedules. Small branches should be bundled and must weigh less than 40 pounds.

Voorhees Township is offering discounted tickets to Morey’s Piers in Wildwood. Tickets are available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office at Voorhees Town Hall. Prices vary according to the type of ticket and several options are available to residents and non-residents. Voorhees also offers discounted tickets to Clementon Lake Park via our online services. For more information about tickets or to order online, visit www.voorheesnj.com.


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